Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Finished the DVD!

I have compiled all the photos and have created a little DVD for everyone. I just have to burn all the disks and try to get them out this weekend. I like it and I'm glad everyone will have everyone else's photos.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Click Here: Video of Rich and Brad on GMA

To view, click the title above. Gotta look for the neon Green hats! You mostly see Brad who is sitting on Dad's shoulders. Once the shot settles we are to the right of Bill's shoulder. It's tough to see, but we are there! Everyone on KITV 4 News This Morning saw it and were looking at it frame by frame to find Rich!

Reply from Hearst regarding Tower Visit

By far, the most questions I received from colleagues that have followed my blog was reagrding my bad experience at the Hearst Tower. I wrote to them regarding my experience and this is the reply they sent:


Thank you for contacting us.

We really appreciate your interest in the Tower and are very sorry to
hear that your visit was unpleasant. If you come back to New York, we
hope you will come back to visit the Tower and its public spaces.

The building is accessible to all NY based employees, or other Hearst
employees who have been issued a Tower ID badge. Other staff and
visitors without this ID, need to contact a NY based employee to be
registered in the Visitor system.

However, for security purposes, photos are not allowed in the building.
Any photography and/or videography must be pre-approved through Hearst

Again, thank you for alerting us to this. We'll definitely make sure to
communicate our concern about your treatment to Security.

I'm glad they wrote back, but it will be a very very long time before I'm ever in New York again.


(almost done being sick from vacation)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Click here: Best Photos from Disneyland

Finally I was able to upload the photos from Disneyland.....enjoy!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Home Sweet Home

We got home safely and all is well at the house. Thanks to all of you who have followed along with us via the blog. Watch for a few more updates of photos and video in the coming days, but after all that travelling, there's no place like home.

Aloha from the Fewell's

Barbie picks us up

Our friend Barbie Manning rescues us from the chaos at the airport.

All good things must come to an end

Going home today. After checkout, Bry and I got to go to HAM Radio Outlet and pick out a Amateur Radio unit for Father's Day. We are both studying for our license. We then met up with Brad and Mom in Disneyland and polished off a few last rides before lunch. We're now on our last Super Shuttle ride to LAX. Our Delta flight (885) leaves L.A. at 5:40pm (LA TIME) and arrives in Honolulu at 8:40pm (Hawaii Time). It will be nice to be home. I hope I can kick this sickness before my friend's wedding this Saturday. I'm in the wedding party!

(sent from my TREO. The hotel WiFi (free) was so intermittent it was nearly unusable. Watch for photos from Disneyland after I return home)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Goin' Home

Don't the kids look cute in their coon-skin caps? Doesn't Em look tired? The fireworks & Fantasmic were amazing!

50th anniversary fireworks



Sun Wheel

Bryan and Bradley overlooking all of Anaheim.

California adventure

Starting in the park today. We all slept about 12 hours last night.

Monday, June 12, 2006


We just made it back to the hotel at 7:00pm and we are bushed. My feet are so sore and I'm fighting off a cold. Saps my energy. We're calling it a night even though Disneyland will be open 5 more hours. Zzzzzzz.....

California Screamin' Roller Coaster

That was way cool!

Still going at Disneyland

We rode The Matterhorn, Astro Blaster, Indiana Jones and Thunder Mountain. The group is reforming up again now after going our own ways.

We met up with Cousin Allison

Disneyland 1st Full Day

We're all here and rested for a full day of fun!

Too Tired to Post

Wow, yesterday we pushed our endurance. We left our NY hotel at 3:30am and endured a harrowingly fast ride to LaGuardia International Airport. Because of the way the flights worked out we only had one meal, and that was after we settled into our California hotel rooms (3:30pm LA time...6:30pm NY time!). We had to do some laundry afterwards, but we discovered that the laundry center that we thought we had access to was still under construction (as well as the fitness center). My kids were bouncing off the walls at this point, so I took them to Disneyland while Em took the essential dirty clothes next door to wash there (2 blocks away!) Emily definately got the raw end of the deal there!

The kids and I stayed away from the big name rides we've been waiting for. We wanted to save those for when we were all together. We did do Tower of Terror which actually freaked Bradley out a bit. None of us really knew what we were in for so were were all quite surprised. We did "Honey I Shrunk the Audience", "STAR TOURS" and "Astro Blaster". By then Em called so we went to the shuttle stop to meet her. When she stepped off the trolly, it was like we were really starting our time at Disneyland.

As a family we did the Mattahorn (sp?) and Splash Mountain twice (no line!) the rode the train back to the front. When our train was at the back of Disneyland, the fireworks were going off right above us and they were so LOUD! Felt like a mortar attack! Exhausted we collapsed into bed at 1:30am New York time.

I realized I took almost no photos and did pick up an annoying tickle in my throat. I survived the night without a full blown 'sickness' attack, but I have to keep an eye on it.

I got up at 5:30am (LA time) this morning and have taken the time to check my email and get the blog up to date. The family will wake up in about 20 minutes and we'll see how everyone feels.

Thanks for everyone's comments and encouraging emails. We do enjoy getting them. I am having a little trouble sending regular emails via my server at home, so sorry if I haven't thanked you personally. In fact there may be a burst of old emails going out once I hook up to my home network, if I don't figure out how to defuse that situation.

Best Wishes from Mickey!

Rich and Family

Sunday, June 11, 2006

California Adventure Park

Free In-room WiFi!

AWESOME! The room has free Wifi for posting my updates, BUT, Disneyland is open until midnight every night so I am going to be bushed! It may just be photo summaries at the end of the day. I like posting them because if something should happen to my computer, the majority of the photos are available online. Today when i was setting up my computer for a DVD for the kids, the computer kept failing to boot. Fortunately I brought my system disk with me and was able to repair the damage that the security check caused (I assume). None of us have eaten for a while so it is off to lunch before we go to Disneyland.

Arrived at Sheraton in Anaheim

Hotel only opened 11 days ago.

Los Angeles

We've just landed in Los Angeles. The kids and I watched most of King Kong on the flight.

In Atlanta, LAX next

Full flight to L.A.. 5 hour flight.
